My telecommuting job

Posted On 5:21 AM by manoballs |

I've been looking for telecommuting jobs for about 6 months. Unfortunately, only a few of them
were real that would give me real money in which I can sustain my sophisticated lifestyle as a recording artist and at the same time as a website designer. What I have encountered mostly were 'pay to do data entry jobs' that ended up to a pay initial money to join the site! Grrr! I almost given up. Even though I haven't found any other online jobs, I accepted my fate and waited for my royalties to come as well as my monthly salary as an online website designer of Messageforce-Australia. I knew there were opportunities out there but I gave up looking for them. I really wanted an extra job aside from the regular one which I already have. To be a blogger was also on my list that would let me work from home, but I was too hesitant to be scammed.

It was May 29, 2008 when I found the site of Serebra Connect , whereby they offer telecommuting jobs like:

  • Accounting Finance
  • Admin Support
  • Business Consulting
  • Engineering/Architecture
  • Graphic Design/Multimedia
  • Legal
  • Marketing/Advertising/Sales
  • Photography/Videography
  • Programming / Database Development
  • Traditional Art (Illustration/Painting)
  • Training/EducationWriting/Editing/Translation
This is where I earn my extra money. View my profile to browse some of the projects I have done from clients all over the world through Serebra Connect.

If you like this blog, give me your money bag.

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3 Response to 'My telecommuting job'
  1. i devour fashion
    November 22, 2008 at 2:56 AM

    the porch, lovett!!!! the floor is soo clean! yes, that's the OC in me talkin'! (*wink!*)


  2. Christine E.
    November 22, 2008 at 5:00 PM


    Thanks for the info on the telecommuting! Its definitely something I would like to explore, but, like you, I was also concern about the scam factor...

    But I will be checking out Serebra..:-)

    Thanks again!

    Be well...


  3. Anonymous
    November 26, 2008 at 10:16 AM

    Hi, you are so smart to be able to do that!

    I think your blog is COOL too!

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