Pending Projects for 2009

Posted On 6:31 AM by manoballs |

Happy New year to everybody! Wow! 2009 is here! Another year has gone and the next thing you know it’s year 3000. Well, we can’t do anything about it. Everyday is just like a second on the clock that could jump to another without noticing it.

On January 10th, it’s gonna be my birthday. Yeheey!!! Food, drinks, and rock n’ roll are my preparations. LOL! Gee! I almost forget that I have so much design works to do. I just have to put something on my blog before getting started.

My task is designing, hmmm… speaking of which, I have two website projects pending, 2 graphic mailer revisions, 3 design studies for logo and business cards and 1 blog template design. Whew! That’s not bad for the year to start. I’d be a lot happier if the 2 mailer revisions were approved last year, so I can concentrate on my new design task.

And oh by the way, the design mailer is from my client from the USA that has still balance for the website design. Before Christmas, he paid half of his balance and until now he still hasn’t paid me the rest. Grrr! I wish I could charge him an additional 10% for not paying me on time. Anyway, I love this client despite of the delay of his payment because he pays even though it’s not on time. And besides, he was my first client and we have this bumpy relationship for almost a year now. I’m responsible for the designing of his website with e-shop, mailer, 3 logos for his company and flash animation… such a very loyal client. Because of him, I have more recommendations to design form his friends in the USA.

To view the recent updates of my design works, you can log on to my website. Thank you for reading and have a Prosperous New Year to everybody. God bless!

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5 Response to 'Pending Projects for 2009'
  1. Unknown
    January 7, 2009 at 2:47 AM

    Hi there!
    Found your blog through the blog catalog leave-a-comment page. Happy B-day to you on the 10th. Me being a musician should be at your party for the rock n roll part. Have a blast!!!
    Drop a comment on my blog when you get a chance...thanks


  2. Eliana
    January 7, 2009 at 6:49 PM

    Happy New Year 2009! Good luck to all of us! And I hope all your projects is success. Send my regard to your wife, Lydia! he he. Keep $miling bro!!!


  3. EditorPinoy
    January 17, 2009 at 12:10 PM

    Helo tol! Nice site! ^_^

    Mukhang big time ka ha. ads + web projects = dami pera!hehe swerti mo, ako pa punta pa sa web development.hehe

    anyways, keep it up! ^_^

    PS: kung hindi babayad client mo, may access ka naman sa site dba? alam mo na ibig ko sabihin.hehe Joke lang.hehe


  4. Spiralz
    January 26, 2009 at 5:54 PM

    hi! i found your blog thru blog catalog! i really like your site design. good luck on your design work. i hope that client of yours pays you eventually! when you have a chance, check out my site too!


  5. Anonymous
    March 9, 2009 at 3:38 PM

    Great site, very informative, signed up.




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